Kandos High School

Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat: May he who bears the palm deserve it

Telephone02 6379 4103



Updating student and family details

Schools are required to be kept informed in regards to students wellbeing. Please remember to let us know if any medical conditions or court documents have been changed.

It is very important that parents and carers, complete this change of details form (PDF 212KB) when any details have changed and return it to the school. 

Your child is important to us and to enable appropriate care, we need to have the most current information especially in the event of an accident.

Student Assessments

These forms are located in the back of the student booklets. For your convenience:

Newsletter Distribution 

Our School Newsletter is an important part of our communication with our school community. We celebrate our students and staff’s cultural, academic, and sporting achievements with pride and actively promote our school and communities upcoming events to advocate community spirit.  

Currently, hard copies are available at our Front Office and the Breezeway on school grounds. We also distribute hardcopies to various businesses within Rylstone and Kandos. An electronic copy of our Newsletter is available on our school communication app Sentral, and on our School Website.  

Kandos High School acknowledges that not all our school community can access our newsletter consistently via the above options, therefore our School Newsletter can be sent to you directly via email or post.

Please download and fill in the School Newsletter Distribution Form and return to our Front Office 

School Newsletter Distribution Form