Entry and Exit of Buildings
The Glass security doors into the office area are not for student use. Students should use the breezeway doors and doorway near the back ramp for entry and exit from the main building.
School caps or any broad brimmed hat as stated in the uniform guidelines should be worn during outside activities including Agriculture, all Sport/PE activities and Recess and Lunch.
No jewellery, except watch, signet or similar flat ring, sleepers or small studs for pierced ears (due to safety reasons).
Lateness to Class
Students will not be admitted to class unless they have a clearance slip from the Principal, Deputy Principal or previous teacher.
Lateness to School
Any students arriving late to school must bring a note explaining their lateness and go to the office to register their arrival and check the daily notices before going off to class.
Lost Property
All personal property should be marked with the student’s name.
Lost property should be handed in to the Office. If students lose personal property, they should go to the office to check if it’s there.
PDHPE Classes
Physical Education is COMPULSORY for students in Years 7 to 10. Appropriate supporting footwear should be worn. Students who are unable to participate for medical reasons must bring a parental note or medical certificate to their teacher.
Prohibited items
Possessing these will result in immediate suspension (cigarettes/e-cigarettes, Vapes, Drugs, alcohol or any other illegal substances in any form, knives, slingshots, explosives).
Any item which is potentially dangerous (e.g., rubber bands, peashooters, aerosol deodorant cans). These will be confiscated.
School Bags
Students are encouraged to take their bags into classrooms with them, except the specialist rooms, to discourage theft from their bags (the school cannot take responsibility for personal items brought to the school).
Sick Students
Sick students must report to the office first. The office staff may decide to allow the student to lie down in Sick Bay; administer first aid, organise medical help (ambulance or doctor) or telephone for a parent to take their child home as necessary.
Students unable to do sport because of medical reasons MUST bring a parental note or medical certificate to the Sports Supervisor on the morning prior to sport.
Student Leave
No student is to leave the school grounds without a parental note and permission from the Deputy Principal.
Students leaving the school grounds at lunchtime must either have a regular lunch pass (only to be used to go home for lunch) or an authorisation note signed by the Deputy Principal. Those with a lunch pass or an authorisation note must sign out &/or in at the office on leaving and returning to school. At other times during school hours, students must obtain permission from the Deputy Principal or Principal but still sign out &/or in at the front office.
Student Lockers
Lockers are available to all year groups and cost $5.00.
Textbooks are loaned to students free of charge. However, all losses or damage must be paid for. If necessary, invoices may be issued for replacement.
Parents who wish to purchase textbooks to assist the children’s education are encouraged to refer to the website or contact Subject Head Teachers.
Valuables must be left at home except in special cases. If it is necessary to bring valuables to school, please see the Deputy Principal.